Why is coconut sugar better than other sugars?
Rock sugar is a square lump in both clear and golden colors and is produced from a syrup of white or red sugar left to crystallize naturally. It’s one of the delicious secrets of cooking soup. Herbal water from the past to the present is often used in dishes that require time and meticulousness to cook or simmer, such as Chinese dishes or soup dishes stewed that require the umami taste of the ingredients.
Umami is a delicious and mellow flavor that is the taste of “glutamate”, an amino acid which is a component of protein commonly found in natural raw materials. Rock sugar can be used in all types of dishes, from savory dishes to desserts such as fruit bridging, fruit marinades, or herbal drinks.
Because rock sugar has a cooling effect, giving a sweet and soft taste. It is not sweet and sharp and has the appearance of large crystals. When heated during cooking, sugar slowly dissolves, along with amino acids that enhance the umami of ingredients, which is another secret to making food delicious. Mellow, different from other types of sugar
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